Those Dog Days of Summer
Posted on: Thursday, June 21st, 2012Summer is a great time of year. The temperature is warm, the sun stays out longer, you have more opportunities to hang out with your pets. Due to the heat, summer can also be uncomfortable, or dangerous for our pets. Here are some tips on helping your pet stay happy and safe during these few hot months.
Be sure your pet has plenty of water
Animals don’t sweat when they are hot, like us humans, instead, they pant. Panting relieves heat by evaporating moisture off your pet’s respiratory tract. Therefore, it’s important your pet stays hydrated so there is a consistent supply of moisture available to help your pet keep cool. For outdoor activities, bring a Gulpy or travel bowl, to provide your pet with refreshment, wherever they go. For inside, it may be fun to put a little ice in your dog’s bowl to help them cool off a bit on hotter days. You may also consider purchasing a pet fountain. Many pets enjoy drinking moving water, and it’s filtered, so your pet is always getting fresh, clean water.
Help your pet beat the heat if you’re away
You never want to leave your pet in a hot home, with no place to seek relief. If leaving your pets home alone, make sure they are comfortable. An AC unit, or a fan and a couple of open windows, are great ways to keep it cool. Allow your pets access to tile, stone, or wood floors. Basements are also a great place to get cool. If your pet is outside, make sure that there is a shady spot or animal house in which they can relax. If you have a large enough back yard, it may be fun to give your pet a wading pool so they can cool off in the water, or splash around if they wish.
How to keep a cool crate
If you’re leaving your dog in a crate during the day, consider leaving him with a frozen water bottle covered in a sock as an ice pack. You can also purchase Coop Cups in varying sizes which are bowls that attach to the side of the crate for water. If you own a Kong toy, you can fill it with a mix of peanut butter, wet dog food, or other treats and freeze it so your dog can enjoy it throughout the day. Chilly Bones are another toy you can freeze for your dog’s refreshment. There’s also doggy ice cream and frozen marrow bones that are perfect refreshing treats in the summertime.
Careful in the car
While it’s always fun to travel with your pets, you may want to be careful on hotter days. And if you can’t provide them with a cool place in the car, the best option may be leaving them home when the temps are in the red. When traveling with your pet, NEVER leave your pet alone in the car. Car temperatures can rise from 75 degrees F to 110 degrees F in a mere 15 minutes during the summer. Its not worth the risking your pet’s life for that pit stop.
Grooming for cooling
Make sure to brush your pets regularly. Removing all that excess hair can help your pet stay cool. For your cats, keeping excess hair to a minimum will also help avoid hairballs.
Protect against summer pests
Summer means more quality time outdoors with your pets. However, fleas, ticks, and mosquitos are out in full force and want to make a snack out of your pet. For all pets, it is recommended that you purchase a product to help prevent your pet from being fodder for parasites. At the Baltimore Pet Shoppe, we carry Frontline, Advantage, diatomaceus earth, and other products that keep bugs from making your pet their dinner.
Summer is a wonderful time of year filled with amazing oppurtunities to have fun adventures with your favorite furry friends. It’s even better when you take the necessary precautions to make sure your pets are safe. Remember to always provide water and not over exercise your pet. Enjoy your summer!